15 mei 2023
NaamJay Catsman
Functie50 × DJ
Lid van groepThe Super Heroes
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱
Genresuptempo hardcore


It all began at the age of 8 with listening to hardcore with a boy from his neighborhood. In primary school, he was the only one there who listened to hardcore, but his passion for music didn't cease to grow.

Vato's passion for hardcore eventually turned in to an obsession, and he became a living encyclopedia with his vast knowledge of the genre. As a fanatic, he didn't miss a party and would stand his ground at the frontline.

Two years ago he took to the stage himself, and learned how to play the decks. He got in touch with Sjammienators, who gave him the opportunity to make his first collaboration called "Favorite game".

Now, 1,5 years later, he has worked with numerous artists such as: Tharoza, Spitnoise, Sjammienators again, Mindspitter, and other talents in the scene.

His podcast "Uptempo Nixtape" became a phenomena and his second collab with sjammienators called "Superman" hit the 87th spot at the MOH top 100 in 2018.

Uitgaansagenda Vato

morgen: Intents Festival · Into The Wild video's 2 eindshow · Intents Festival · 2024 · Into The Wild (13:53)
trailer · Intents Festival · 2024 · Into The Wild (1:00)
17127 bezoekersSportpark d'n Donk, Oisterwijk
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