18 oktober 2015
NaamKevin Maathuis
Functie102 × MC
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱
Genresdarkcore, early hardcore, early hardstyle, early rave, frenchcore, hardcore, hardstyle, industrial hardcore, oldschool, terror
partyflock Mr. Fruzz.. (14 mei 2021)


Back in 2007.. When a stupid kid got the balls to ask the DJ at a local Hardcore-party if he could host his set! The DJ asked if the kid was experienced, but could already know he wasn't.. but still agreed. The kid did his thing, until the moment the man in charge checked him out! Afraid that he would be kicked out.. The kid dropped the mic! But surprisingly the big man liked it so much, he just wanted to compliment him and gave him a beer! And so the kid continued.. it was his night! That day "MC Frustrator" was officially born!

MC Frustrator stands for letting go of your frustrations that you've build up during the week.. With the pounding bassdrums and him as your guide that will never be a problem again!

In the years that have past he has performed at many parties like Fantasy Island, Nightmare in Germany, SuperBash, Indicator & Dangerouzmind. And worked with the biggest DJ's in the HDM-scene.
Still on his way to the top.. He doesn't think about quiting!