22 november 2019
NaamThomas Samspon
Functie9 × DJ
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧
Genresbass house, garage, house


Born and raised in Bradford, it was from the age of just 5 that TS7 realised how big his passion for music really was. Piano lessons encouraged by his parents led him to achieve grade 5 by the time he was 13.

Towards the late noughties, he went on to establish himself as one of the leading names in Bassline with a number of tracks making an impact across club land. In 2013 he released Heartlight on Universal, a bass heavy club heater that was A listed on BBC 1Xtra, and received strong specialist support at Radio 1, Rinse FM, Kiss FM and Capital.

More recently, TS7 has released music with Bass powerhouses Night Bass & Crucast Records including releasing independently. With over 2.5m Spotify streams, playlisted on NMF, and a forthcoming debut album, 2018 is looking like a big year for the bass specialist.
Alongside production, he has toured and played shows and festivals across the UK and Europe incessantly.

Uitgaansagenda TS7

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 26 mei 2023: Creamfields South, Hylands Park Chelmsford, Liverpool


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