Nocturnal Ritual
18 augustus 2016
NaamManuel Kuijpers & Dave Paalhaar
Functie7 × DJ, producer, live act
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱
AffiliatieEnzyme Records


Passion, dedication and perseverance multiplied by three!
Nocturnal Ritual, a collaborative between brothers Tim Paalhaar, Dave Paalhaar and a mutual friend of theirs Manuel Kuijpers, has arrived and is taking the Hardcore world by storm! This team of talented artists have come together to give the Hardcore world back what it has begun to lack – incredibly powerful and inspiring musical productions and a love for the performing world that just will not quit.
Any long term fan of Hardcore has seen these names before and knows that this group of artists have been around since the early days. All hailing from the East of Holland, these three met through their musical backgrounds – Tim and Dave being the production and performance experts behind the popular DJ team T-Junction & Rudeboy and Manuel being well known DJ, ManUmaX and production company owner who used to book Tim & Dave back at the beginning of their careers.

Uitgaansagenda Nocturnal Ritual

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 25 november 2017: Enzyme Outbreak, Metropool, Hengelo


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