18 maart 2020
NaamJohn De Buck
Functie29 × DJ, 2 × live act
HerkomstBelgië 🇧🇪
WoonachtigCanada 🇨🇦
Genresdubstep, trap
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Soon after contamination, signs of the virus spread quickly through the village of Androphage. Fear and anxiety intensified as villagers, one-by-one, began to exhibit shocking symptoms; turning against each other in a gruesome hunt for flesh and blood. In no time the village was completely infected. The source of the deadly disease was a mystery, but fingers pointed at the primary victims of infection: the Apacheans, a family whose ancestors ironically founded the village itself.

As the disease ravaged the ancestral family, turning them into voracious beasts hungry for nothing but the raw and bloody flesh of their fellow villagers, Apashe, the eldest son, was miraculously spared. Born on the reserve and trained in arts of survival, Apashe was taught to be a warrior; a defender of everything his ancestors believed in. His presence was unassuming, but the native blood that surged through his veins made him a powerful fighter.

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