3 oktober 2023
georganiseerd door Site

16,3 °C
Club Gretchen (binnen) op de kaart Site
Obentrautstraße 19-21

Tickets Liquicity

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  • Liquisity

Line-up Liquicity

It might still seem far away, with the date of this debut being 1st of June 2024, but it just did not feel right to keep this from you any longer 🤩 Berlin will be the 3rd German city Liquicity is going to conquer and, if the events in its predecessors Heidelberg & Cologne are any indication, this one will be just as epic 🙌

Now it’s hard to say this as you’re probably already preparing to buy tickets, but they are not available just yet! However, to make sure you are the very first to snatch one of these limited tickets when they do, drop your email address at & get notified 🫡

See you soon at Gretchen
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